814 Jersey Ave | Normal, IL 61761

814 Jersey Ave | Normal, IL 61761
In Matthew 28:18-20, “The Great Commission” creates both local and global responsibilities. To meet the responsibility of evangelism beyond our community, these missionaries and ministries have been added to our church family to extend our ministry to church planting and local church edification across the world. We support them with both prayer and finances. And we maintain close ties and communications with them because they are partners who represent us in the Lord’s work.
We hold a Faith Promise Missions conference in the first quarter of each year, inviting a keynote speaker and hosting missionaries and church planters who give reports from the field. It is a great time of fellowship, encouragement, and challenge.
“Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” - Matthew 28:19
Meet Our Missionaries
Barba: Dave & Claudia (Press On! Ministries)
Bible Tracts (Odell, IL)
Bower: Tim & RoseAnne (Bahamas)
Buckingham: Joel & Holly (New Brunswick, Canada)
Eiben: Gabriel & Susan (Pohnpei, Micronesia)
Fester: Mike & Vicky (Arizona)
Fritz: Nathan & Tina (Cape Verde)
Frueh: Mike & Sarah (Hungary)
Fruin: Rebekah (Ukraine)
Fruin: Ron & Tina (South Africa)
Greiners: Caleb & Alyssa (Montana)
Hammermeister: Darren & Elizabeth (British Columbia, Canada)
Hudson: Nathaniel (Brazil)
Johnson: David & Lily (Brazil)
Judd: Jerry & Dawn (New Zealand)
Kiss: Zoltan & Johanna (Hungary)
Lѐveillѐ: Eric & Melissa (Quebec, Canada)
Mead: Josh & Julie (Senegal, West Africa)
Melton: Tim & Kim (Japan)
Northcutt: Matt & Katie (Newfoundland, Canada)
Peterson: Tim & Cynthia (Germany)
Rains: Michael & Tina (Kenya)
Rains: Stephen & Christina (Kenya)
Schrock: Matthew & Susanna (Ivory Coast)
Snyder: David & Barb (BIMI General Director)
Strother: Ryan & Elisabeth (United Kingdom)
Thatcher: Don & Lisa (Ireland)

Pictured: Pastor Todd Harrison preaching in Thika, Kenya, Africa
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